

  • 公同共有:共同協商的狀態



  • 分別共有:清晰的權利界定


  • 遺產分配的靈活性



  • 結論:權益保障的選擇



Joint Ownership and Separate Ownership – Two Modes of Inheritance

In the process of handling inheritance after the passing of a loved one, individuals often face different choices, with the two most common options being “Joint Ownership” and “Separate Ownership.” These two modes of inheritance have distinct differences in legal terms.

  • Joint Ownership: Collaborative Decision-Making

“Joint Ownership” inheritance is a temporary and expedient status. When a family member passes away, their assets are legally immediately held in “Joint Ownership” among all inheritors. In this scenario, all inheritors collectively own the assets, but the unanimous consent of all inheritors is required for any sale or disposal of the assets. While this approach prevents individual dominance, it can complicate decision-making, as a single dissenting inheritor can halt all actions.

Civil Code Article 1151: When there are multiple inheritors, before dividing the estate, all inheritors collectively hold the estate in joint ownership.

  • Separate Ownership: Clear Individual Rights

In contrast, the “Separate Ownership” inheritance model emphasizes the distinct rights of each inheritor. After the completion of a distribution agreement or general inheritance, each inheritor will hold a clearly defined share and can independently decide to sell their portion. This approach doesn’t require the consent of other inheritors, and during the inheritance process, only a regular seal is needed for authentication, which is relatively convenient.

  • Flexibility in Estate Distribution

The prominent feature of “Separate Ownership” through distribution agreement inheritance lies in the ability for inheritors to independently negotiate and reach a consensus on asset distribution, unrestricted by statutory proportions of distribution. Although the law defines the applicable distribution proportion, inheritors have the flexibility to tailor the distribution according to their needs through negotiation. This allows for adaptable estate distribution based on factors like caregiving or other considerations.

However, this method requires careful execution, as the shares of different inheritors may be affected. When dealing with distribution agreement inheritance, it’s vital to ensure true consensus among inheritors, typically requiring the authentication of all inheritors’ seals for validation.

  • Conclusion: Safeguarding Rights Through Choice

Whether choosing Joint Ownership or Separate Ownership, each mode of inheritance has its distinct advantages and limitations. Joint Ownership excels in safeguarding collective decision-making power while offering flexibility to switch modes. Separate Ownership prioritizes clear individual rights, enabling inheritors to autonomously manage the estate.