「撤銷緩起訴」是依第二百五十三條之三第一項的規定:「第 253-3 條被告於緩起訴期間內,有左列情形之一者,檢察官得依職權或依告訴人之聲請撤銷原處分,繼續偵查或起訴:
“Lawyer, what is ‘deferred prosecution’? And what is ‘revocation of deferred prosecution’?
In relation to ‘prosecution,’ it is a disposition imposed by the district prosecutor when a person commits a crime. Whether the crime is established and the sentence duration is determined is up to the court’s decision.
‘Deferred prosecution’ is when the defendant admits guilt, and the facts of the crime are confirmed, but the prosecutor temporarily refrains from filing charges. According to Article 253-1 of the Criminal Procedure Code: ‘For offenses punishable by death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment exceeding three years, other than imprisonment of three years or more, the prosecutor, considering the matters listed in Article 57 of the Criminal Code and the maintenance of public interest, may determine a period of deferred prosecution between one year and three years. The period shall be counted from the date when the deferred prosecution disposition is confirmed.’ The prosecutor can also, under Article 253-2, order the defendant to apologize to the victim, make a written statement of repentance, make appropriate restitution to the victim, pay a certain amount to the public treasury or designated public interest groups or local self-governing organizations, or provide voluntary labor for a duration between forty and two hundred forty hours, as specified.
‘Revocation of deferred prosecution’ is in accordance with Article 253-3, Paragraph 1: ’If, during the deferred prosecution period, the defendant falls under any of the following circumstances, the prosecutor may revoke the original disposition and proceed with the investigation or prosecution based on their authority or upon the request of the plaintiff:
1. The defendant intentionally commits another crime punishable by imprisonment, and the prosecutor raises a public prosecution during the period.
2. Before deferred prosecution, the defendant is sentenced to imprisonment for intentionally committing another crime punishable by imprisonment.
3. The defendant violates the obligations or requirements prescribed in Article 253-2, Paragraph 1.
When the prosecutor revokes the deferred prosecution disposition, the portion that the defendant has fulfilled cannot be requested for reimbursement or compensation.’ The prosecutor can use a disposition document to revoke the original deferred prosecution disposition and reinstate the original investigation procedure.