- 提存人應先向準備提存書及提存通知書各1式2份,提存物受取權人有二人以上時,提存通知書應按增加人數每人加添一份。
- 提存書應記載下列事項(提存人、代理人、提存金額或有價證券種類張數面額等或動產之名稱種類品質數量、提存之原因事實、聲請提存之日期、附具法院裁判書正本或影本)。
- 提存人攜帶國民身分證及印章、提存人為法人或非法人團體時,應附具足資證明代表人或管理人資格之書面文件。
- 委任代理人時,應附具委任狀,受任人應攜帶國民身分證及印章辦理提存。
- 清償提存:例如前面說的債權人受領遲延,或不能確知孰為債權人而難為給付者(民法第326條)或民法關於質權、留置權之提存事件、政府機關依據法律所發給之補償費或其他公法上之金錢給付,應受補償人拒絕受領或不能受領或所在地不明(土地法第237條)等其他法律規定。再來是找到管轄的法院,如果是清償提存事件,由民法第314條所定清償地之法院提存所辦理之(提存法第4條)。
除法律另有規定或契約另有訂定,或另有習慣,或得依債之性質或其他情形決定者外,應依下列各款之規定:以給付特定物為標的者,於訂約時,其物所在地為之。(訂契約時,東西在的地方)、其他之債,於債權人之住所地為之。(借你錢的人的住所)、數人有同一債權,其給付不可分,或為公同共有債權,而債權人住所不在一法院管轄區域者,由其中一住所地法院提存所辦理之。 - 擔保提存:同樣也是要有提存的原因,當事人因請求法院為假扣押、假處分、假執行及請求免為假扣押、假處分、假執行經法院裁判令其提供擔保者(希望去扣押或不希望被扣押)。 強制執行開始後,債務人有回復原狀之聲請或提起再審或異議之訴,或對於和解為繼續審判之請求或提起宣告調解無效之訴,撤銷調解之訴或對於許可強制執行之裁定提起抗告時,法院因必要情形或依聲請定相當並確實之擔保得為停止強制執行之裁定(強制執行法第18條第2項)。 原告於中華民國無住所、事務所或營業所經法院裁定命其提供訴訟費用擔保者(民事訴訟法第96條第1項),其他法令有特別規定等等。擔保提存事件的管轄法院,是由本案訴訟已繫屬或應繫屬之第一審法院或執行法院提存所辦理之(提存法第五條),可以理解為在哪裡告,就去哪裡提存。
How to Perform a Deposit ?
1. Understand the Reasons for Deposit:
Clearance Deposit: When a creditor experiences delays in receiving payment or is unable to determine the rightful recipient, the debtor can deposit the payment with the court. This also applies to cases involving rights like pledge or retention, and when government agencies need to compensate individuals who refuse, cannot receive, or have an uncertain location for payment.
Security Deposit: Involves requesting the court to provide security against false attachment, seizure, or execution, or to avoid such actions. The entity requesting the security can deposit items of value like cash, securities, or guarantees provided by parties with assets.
2. Prepare Documentations:
– The depositor should prepare two sets of the deposit form and the deposit notice. In cases involving multiple recipients of the deposit item, an additional notice should be prepared for each person.
– The deposit form should include details such as the depositor’s information, agent’s information (if applicable), deposit amount or type of securities, quantity, quality, reason for deposit, date of application for deposit, and the attached court judgment (original or copy).
– The depositor should bring their national ID card, seal, and, if the depositor is a legal entity or non-incorporated association, provide written proof of the representative or manager’s qualifications.
– When appointing an agent, a power of attorney is required. The appointed person should carry their national ID card and seal for the deposit procedure.
3. Determine the Deposit Reason:
– Clearance Deposit: Reasons include situations mentioned earlier such as delayed payments, uncertainty in identifying the creditor, and specific legal scenarios such as rights of pledge and retention or government compensation.
– Security Deposit: Reasons involve requests for court-ordered security against false attachment, seizure, or execution, stopping execution under certain circumstances, or providing security for lawsuit costs.
4. Identify the Appropriate Jurisdictional Court:
– For clearance deposit, the court specified in Article 314 of the Civil Code’s clearance location should handle the procedure.
– For security deposit, the court where the case is already pending or should be pending (first-instance or execution court) should handle the procedure.
5. Proceed with the Deposit:
– The depositor should bring the relevant documents to the Taiwan Bank stationed at the court’s service center, pay the security deposit and deposit fee (if applicable), and obtain the Treasury deposit receipt’s second notification copy.
– For negotiable instruments as deposit, except under specific conditions, depositors need to wait until the negotiable instrument’s exchange is recorded before bringing the formal receipt and relevant documents to the deposit department for processing.
Please note that legal procedures may vary based on jurisdiction and specifics. It’s recommended to seek professional legal advice or consult the relevant department at your local court before proceeding.